This needs a short story,
I am working on a project and in need of inner tubes, (the bright color one I use
From the dollar store.) I had been looking, no luck, and then I remembered I had taken a photo from Rustem Pasa Camii down to the market below and hanging in a stall was a tube.
So I went there yesterday.
The man would not sell the tube I need 3 anyway.
I left walking out of the market a way I had not taken prior
I saw some toys inside what I thought was a Han
I walked in
It was a former hamam
So how wonderful I can show you what the ceiling looks like, as you cannot take a photo in the bath…
In the bath you are laying on the warm marble below the ceiling it is like looking to the sky.
and yes in the bath in the mist in is more special.
And I purchase 3 blue neon made in china inner tubes…